
Our Board of Directors

As a private nonprofit corporation, Blue Valley Community Action Partnership is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board meets eight times a year at different locations within the service area. The Board of Directors has a tripartite structure, which is a requirement for all Community Action Agencies nationwide. One third of the board represents the low-income community consumer sector), one-third represent local elected officials (public sector), and one third represent the general community (private sector).

Currently, BVCA Partnership receives funding through the federal Community Services Block Grant to serve nine Nebraska counties.

The nine counties have been divided into three regions.  Regions are designated as follows:

(a) Region I includes Butler, Polk and York Counties
(b) Region II includes Gage, Saline, and Seward Counties
(c) Region III includes Fillmore, Jefferson, and Thayer Counties.

The Board of Directors consists of six Directors from each region designated and each region has three alternate Directors.

Petitions for Representation.  A low-income individual, community organization, or religious organization, or representative of low-income individuals that considers its organization, or low-income individuals, to be inadequately represented on the Corporation’s Board of Directors may submit a petition for representation to the Board. The petition must be signed by at least twenty individuals, unless the President determines that it is appropriate to waive this requirement in a particular case.  A written statement of the Board’s action on the petition shall be provided to the petitioning individual or group (and, if required by law, regulation or government funding source policy, a copy of the statement shall be sent to the appropriate government funding source(s)).  Should it decide to provide representation to the petitioning organization or interest, the Board shall take any actions necessary to provide that representation while ensuring that the Board’s composition meets the requirements set forth in the Corporations’ bylaws.

2025 Board of Directors

View the Board of Directors meeting agenda in the event calendar details or by clicking agenda below.
Agenda Event Calendar

January 21 | Virtual (Zoom Communications)
February 18 | Virtual (Zoom Communications)
March 18 |  Hybrid (Fillmore County & Zoom Communications)
April 15 | Hybrid (Seward County & Zoom Communications)
May | No Meeting
June 17 | Hybrid (Saline County & Zoom Communications)
July | No Meeting
August 19 | Hybrid (Fillmore County & Zoom Communications)
September | No Meeting
October 21 | Hybrid (Seward County & Zoom Communications)
November 18 | Annual Meeting, In Person (York County)
December | No meeting

*View monthly agenda here or in the event calendar one week prior to the Board Meeting.

Board of Directors


Luis Sotelo


Mark Schoenrock

Vice President

Jeff Hammer


Liesal Hoffman


Butler, Polk & York Counties

Public Sector Representatives

Joe Burgess, York County Commissioner
Tony Krafka, Butler County Supervisor
Mike Boss, Polk County Commissioner, Alternate

Private Sector Representatives

Patrick Carraher, Legal Aid of Nebraska
Dave Dohmen, Cornerstone Bank
Nancy Lee, WACO, Alternate

Consumer Sector Representatives

Liesal Hoffman
Michelle Steckly
Luellen Hager, Alternate

Gage, Saline & Seward Counties

Public Sector Representatives

Rick Clabaugh, Gage County Supervisor
Stephanie Krivohlavek, Saline County Commissioner
Ken Schmieding, Seward County Commissioner, Alternate

Private Sector Representatives

Luis Sotelo, Doane University
Shelby Watson, Beatrice Community Hospital & Health Center
Julie Johnston Hermann, Concordia University, Alternate

Consumer Sector Representatives

Shannon Dohmen
Vacant, Alternate

Fillmore, Jefferson & Thayer

Public Sector Representatives

Mark Schoenrock, Jefferson County Commissioner
Wade Sluka, Fillmore County Supervisor
Marlin Bauhard, Thayer County Commissioner, Alternate

Private Representatives

Ashley Norden, Jefferson Community Health & Life
Jeff Hammer, Bruning State Bank
Vacant, Alternate

Consumer Sector Representatives

Rochelle Raymond
Trevor Sloane
Raylea Adams, Alternate


Shannon Dohmen, Homeless Representative
Sondra Votipka, Head Start Parents’ Representative


Michele Rayburn, Early Childhood Education Consultant

Contact us if you are interested in serving on our Board of Directors, or know of someone who may be interested in filling one of our vacancies.

The Community Action Promise

Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.

Volunteer Opportunities

Upcoming Events

Women Infants and Children (WIC) Clinic – Osceola

Women Infants and Children (WIC) Clinic – David City

Immunization Clinic – Fairbury

Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) Clinic – Hebron

Immunization Clinic – Crete

Women Infants and Children (WIC) Clinic – Crete

Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) – Seward Delivery Day

Proudly Serving 9 Counties in Nebraska.

Select your county to see what services are available in your area.

We Also Offer Select Services in 15 Additional Counties in Nebraska and Iowa.

Select your county to see what services are available in your area.